VeriME - 验证身份验证保护
VeriME是一个分散的验证作为一种服务(VAAS)生态系统对Blockchain和客户的移动应用程序运行时,采用最先进的生物识别技术和机器学习工具来识别和购买商品和服务的过程中验证客户。客户可以与服务提供商(在线/离线,都Blockchain和传统的应用程序)谁是VeriME S IN短短的几秒钟的合作伙伴以电子方式核实其身份,节省了服务提供商的成本和提升客户体验。
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平台 | Ethereum |
类型 | ERC20 |
接受币种 | ETH, BTC, Fiat |
流通百分比 | 30% |
KYC | 未知 |
受限地域 | 未知 |
网站 | 首页链接 |
白皮书 | 下载 |
Bringing a Change
Identity verification process has remained unchanged for last 40 years. With VeriME, we are bringing about a change by introducing blockchain based easy, fast and secure way of digital identity verification and authentication.
Making the Process Simpler and Safer
With VeriME, you can complete the verification and authentication process from the comfort of your home. No excessive documents to make copy of, no documents to submit or go through.
Giving Consumers Peace of Mind
With VeriME, you need not worry about your personal data falling into wrong hands. All copies of your personal details or documents present will be stored in an encrypted format and would never be shared with any third party, not even with us.
Achieving Highest Level of Authentication
VeriME uses combined knowledge of Machine Learning, Blockchain, Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence to provide you the most accurate verification, greater than the accuracy achieved by traditional methods of humans.