Trippki - Trippki使旅行更有价值
在Trippki我们热爱旅行,我们爱的旅游业,但越来越多的空间已经到了中间人谁提取价值转移的显著部分为自己的天下。我们想改变这种状况。我们希望被那些之间共享的价值是真正的问题 - 客人和酒店。前提很简单一旦客人已经完成了他们的逗留他们收到回扣在本地Trippki令牌,TRIP的形式。 TRIP是奖励积分令牌,但由于加密的资产,他们可以花或在业主的自由裁量权交易。因此,他们是不同于其他任何奖励制度。给每行作为奖励被记录在奖励台账让用户在平台上,并与特定酒店建立声誉。这给游客自由,同时让酒店量身定制具体报价给客户。
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平台 | Ethereum |
类型 | ERC20 |
接受币种 | ETH |
流通百分比 | 40% |
KYC | 未知 |
受限地域 | 未知 |
网站 | 首页链接 |
白皮书 | 下载 |
Trippki is a new hotel booking channel and customer reward system that incentivises sharing the value transaction in the booking process between guests and hotels - the players that actually create value. By disintermediating the current OTA (Online Travel Agent) model, Trippki gives control back to customers and hotels, allowing not only value sharing, but reducing the costs associated with traditional centralised booking platforms.Such systems were not possible before the emergence of decentralised cryptographically verifiable computing that allow participants to cooperate and enter business relationships without trusting each other or relying on a third party. Trippki aims to solve common problems with traditional booking platforms and enable more sustainable relationships between customers and hotels.