Spectiv - 专用虚拟现实
Spectiv等VR流媒体平台之间最大的区别是用户驱动的内容。 Spectiv是虚拟现实体验的分散,用户集成交换。换句话说,Spectiv不仅是观众观看流行的VR事件门户 - 它就是来自世界各地的用户可以与他人分享自己真实的生活经验的环境。这可能意味着观众生活在美国可能把一个VR耳机和识破在意大利和日本一道流光的镜头,从他们家的舒适。流光可以访问一个显著网站或地标是本地/司空见惯的他们,但独特新颖观众千里之外。
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平台 | Ethereum |
类型 | ERC20 |
接受币种 | ETH |
流通百分比 | 未知 |
KYC | 未知 |
受限地域 | 未知 |
网站 | 首页链接 |
白皮书 | 下载 |
- 0 - 2kk USD raised - 40%
- 2kk - 10kk USD raised - 25%
- 10kk - 25kk USD raised - 15%
- 25kk - 40kk USD raised - 0%
Live Events
VR streams of sporting events, concerts, and more from premium seat proximities for a truly engaging perspective. This enables viewers to not only watch popular events from home, but to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere with VR.
VR experiences contributed by people from around the world. This is what makes Spectiv unique from other platforms in the space: Spectiv enables ordinary users to stream any personal experiences with their own VR equipment.
Spectiv Original
Original VR content created by Spectiv in partnership with popular organizations and production companies. This content will be produced with the most cutting-edge VR technologies and will be overseen by the Spectiv productions team.