GraphGrail AI - 艾满足Blockchain
GraphGrail艾 - 是人工智能平台Blockchain建立在与DApps市场自然语言理解技术之上。 GraphGrail AI是一个于一身,全周期的解决方案。它提供了所有必要的数据准备工作,包括文本分析,清洁,我们的AI设计师建立语言模型,检测设施,机器学习和神经网络调整和分散的应用程序市场赚钱与平台。您不需要任何其他服务。
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平台 | Ethereum |
类型 | 未知 |
接受币种 | Others |
流通百分比 | 50% |
KYC | 未知 |
受限地域 | 未知 |
网站 | 首页链接 |
白皮书 | 下载 |
Dapps marketplace
Whether you are a data scientist or businessman, you can make your own linguistic applications, sell them and make money.
Artificial Intelligence
With GraphGrail's AI platform, by using Google Tensorflow and other tools, you can create and teach neural networks for complex classifications.
Smart contracts
GraphGrail AI is the "brains" of a smart contract - a cross-blockchain service that uses webAPIs, datasources and analysis to automate contract execution.
Not enough datasets
What is the key problem in data-science and text mining? There simply aren't enough datasets with seven figure sample sizes (from thousand to million samples) to teach neural networks in many industries, including banking, telecom, media and government agencies. Even if the business does have such datasets, using machine learning to gather, clean and make training and test sets is extremely difficult and time consuming even for skilled data scientists. Training such as this can take between 5 and 10 months for a normal sized dataset, and even though we use neural networks and Deep Learning frameworks to simplify the task, it is a one time solution - every step must be repeated over and over again to keep your linguistic models up to date. That's why business truly needs GraphGrail AI.
Smart contracts risks
Smart contracts, by their nature, are able to run algorithmic calculations and store and retrieve data. Oracles fill this void by watching the blockchain (Ethereum, EOS, Bitshares) for events and responding to them by publishing the results of a query back to the contract. In this way, contracts can interact with the off-chain world. This introduces obvious trust problems. Another complex problem is to prove that smart contract conditions are executed in real world. Smart contracts can easily check the amount of a bank account, but real-world conditions like weather changes, companies' buy-sell events, political or legal decisions, contract details and force majeur events are much more complex. This is where GraphGrail AI comes in.