Chimaera - 认为,构建它,发挥它
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平台 | OTHERS |
类型 | OTHERS |
接受币种 | BTC, ETH, ZEC, LTC, DASH |
流通百分比 | 40.5% |
KYC | 未知 |
受限地域 | 未知 |
网站 | 首页链接 |
白皮书 | 下载 |
- 0.00001400 BTC - 30 %
- 0.00001700 BTC - 15 %
Chimaera blockchain to manage increasingly complex and appealing game worlds as well as securing and simplifying the ownership, sharing, and trade of virtual assets.
The Chimaera platform achieves this through the democratisation of game development and deployment, allowing developers to bring their vision to life quickly with significantly reduced costs. It will provide a wealth of tools and a state-of-the-art infrastructure for game developers to build their own blockchain-based games. Furthermore, developers can fully leverage the Chimaera technology to issue their own game currency that can be traded for ‘CHI’ (the reserve currency and “fuel” in the Chimaera ecosystem) or other Chimaera game coins and assets.
Additionally to the benefit of gamers, developers can create fully decentralised, autonomous games where players can expect 100% uptime and have provably fair gameplay with true ownership of their in-game items.
Until now scaling has been a major difficulty for blockchains and particularly for massive game worlds and their virtual asset inventories. The Chimaera team has overcome this with world leading breakthroughs in Trustless Off-chain Scaling for games (Game Channels) and Ephemeral Timestamps and will continue to invest strongly in this important and novel field.
The assembled Chimaera team is comprised of the original creators of blockchain gaming, experienced developers, and blockchain and business experts. So whilst this is a new frontier for cryptocurrency and gaming, the assembled team has the experience, insight, and initial designs available to readily solve the challenges ahead. This will usher in a new era of gamechanging blockchain technology and a whole new gaming ecosystem.