Verge - 安全和匿名cryptocurrency,重点是建立隐私
平台 | 未知 |
类型 | 未知 |
接受币种 | Others |
流通百分比 | 未知 |
KYC | 未知 |
受限地域 | 未知 |
网站 | 首页链接 |
白皮书 | 下载 |
Completely anonymous and privacy-focused
Verge uses multiple anonymity-centric networks such as Tor and I2P. The IP addresses of the users are obfuscated and the transactions are completely untraceable.
Great support from community
Verge is not a private company funded by pre-mined coins or ICO's. All of the development and marketing is supported by the thousands of members of the community.
Ultra-fast transactions
Transaction speeds are ultra-fast compared to other coins. Simple Payment Verification (SPV) technology allows average transaction confirmation times to drop to ~5 seconds.
Active development team with many contributors
The development team is active and always in close contact with the community. You can easily reach the main developers for support or new ideas about Verge.
Ready for mass adoption
Verge offers a wide array of secure wallets for multiple operating systems. The revolutionary Tor Android Wallet offers mobile anonymity, which is a unique feature among privacy-oriented coins.
Decentralized and open-source
Verge is a decentralized currency based on an open-source platform. There is no central control over the coin.